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Things to Know Before Going for Your COVID19 Test

In order to limit the spread of the coronavirus and reduce the rate of infections, it’s important to conduct frequent and expansive COVID-19 testing. A major cause of the rapid spread of the virus is due to asymptomatic patients who have contracted the virus but don’t show any symptoms, so they walk around spreading the infection to others. The only way to prevent this is to get a COVID-19 test and then self-isolate for a minimum of 10 days if the result is positive.

If you’re going for a COVID-19 test, here are some things you should know beforehand.

    There Are Three Different Types of COVID Tests Available

    The first thing you should know is that currently, three different types of COVID tests are available, namely the PCR test, the antibody test, and the antigen test.

    The polymerase chain reaction or PCR test is the most accurate test, which detects certain COVID-19 particles in a fluid sample collected by taking a nasopharyngeal or an oropharyngeal swab from a person. The test can determine whether a person has a live or very recently dead virus in their body at the time of collection of sample.

    The second test is an antibody or serology test, which measures the body’s response to the virus by collecting evidence in the form of antibodies in the blood. The presence or lack of antibodies shows whether a person had been infected with the coronavirus sometime in the past.

    The last test is an antigen test that searches for antigen proteins of the virus and can reveal whether a person currently has the coronavirus. This test is time-sensitive and cannot provide any data before or after the infection has run its course and is no longer present in the person’s system.

    The Different Tests and Meaning of Their Results

    If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or were exposed to someone who tested positive, you need to get a diagnostic test to determine whether you have the virus. If you undergo a PCR test and it comes back positive, you need to immediately self-isolate and inform people you’ve been in contact with for the past few days about your results.

    If you take a rapid antigen test and it comes back negative, a doctor may ask you to take the molecular PCR test to confirm that you don’t have COVID-19. While you’re waiting for the test results, you should behave as if you have the virus and follow all health and safety guidelines.

    Lastly, if the antibody test comes back positive, this means you have developed antibodies and can fight against the virus. You should consider donating your blood for plasma to help other infected patients who are battling against the virus.

    For convenient and easy COVID testing in Miami, get in touch with Good Hearts Testing. We offer RT-PCR test in Miami along with at-home COVID testing, production COVID testing, drive-thru COVID testing, corporate COVID tests, antigen COVID test, and antibody COVID test at affordable rates. Contact us today or book an appointment online.


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    COVID-19 Survival Guide

    When COVID-19 cases started to increase exponentially in late 2019, the US health authorities had issued warning that it would cause serious disruption to everyday life. At that time, doctors had no specific treatment for COVID-19.

    To this day, there’s no cure for the virus, but due to increasing public health research, various treatments are helping people survive the virus.

    Here are four steps you need to bounce back to recovery after contracting the coronavirus.

      Step 1: Were You Exposed to The Virus?

      The symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, fatigue, chills, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, cough, diarrhea, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, vomiting, congestion, and chest pain.

      If you have these symptoms, quarantine yourself immediately. You can get either PCR or an Antigen test—both tests work well if you’re symptomatic.

      Get an Antigen test first. It’s a biochemical test that detects a viral antigen implying that you have a viral infection. The FDA has authorized Antigen tests to be performed on nasal swab specimens that can later be directly placed into the reagent to show results. If the results are positive, you’re infected.

      If the results are negative, get a PCR test. PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction test. This test diagnoses people who are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 which causes COVID-19. Once the lab takes a nasal swab sample from you, they will use special chemicals and a thermal cycler to produce a reaction that will make millions of copies of the genetic material of SARS-CoV-2. In this process, the testing chemical will produce a fluorescent light if it detects SARS-CoV-2 in the sample.

      If the PCR test results are negative, it will confirm that you don’t have COVID-19.

      If you suspect that you were exposed to the coronavirus, but don’t have the symptoms, quarantine right away. After five to seven days of exposure to the virus, you can get a PCR test.

      Step 2: You’ve Tested Positive, Now What?

      You must quarantine yourself. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has outlined the guidelines about how you can start and end quarantine. Usually, it lasts for ten days from the time symptoms start to show. If your symptoms have diminished by the tenth day and you don’t show symptoms of fever, you can end the quarantine.

      Step 4 (Optional): Monoclonal Antibody (MAB) therapy

      MAB therapy is a new way of treating COVID-19 in individuals who have tested positive for the coronavirus and are at high risk of developing severe symptoms. Researchers believe that MAB therapy can prevent hospitalizations and lessen symptom severity.

      Here are the criteria for MAB therapy:

      • A positive COVID-19 result for patients who are twelve years or older and weigh less than 40kg

      • People who have a high risk of developing severe symptoms

      High-risk features are as follows:

      • Body Mass Index over 35

      • Chronic Kidney Disease

      • Immunosuppressive Disease

      • Currently receiving Immunosuppressive treatment

      • Diabetes

      • Are over 65 years of age

      • Are over 55 and have Cardiovascular disease, HTN, or COPD


      For patients 12-17 years of age:

      • BMI over 85th percentile for their age

      • Congenital or Acquired Heart disease

      • A medical-related technological dependence

      • Neurodevelopmental disorders

      • Sickle Cell disease

      • Asthma, reactive airway disease that requires daily medication for control.

      Want to Get Tested?

      Good Hearts Testing is a COVID-19 testing facility in Miami. Whether you want to take a travel PCR test, drive-thru COVID test, corporate COVID test, or group COVID testing, we provide same-day results. We also offer Antigen test results in 15 minutes. Book an appointment at our testing center and get accurate covid testing.


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      Everything You Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccine

      We’ve come really far in learning about the novel coronavirus with different vaccines being rolled out across the globe. We come across new information every day about both the vaccine and the virus. Here’s everything we know about the COVID-19 vaccine.

        What We Know

        Research shows that COVID-19 vaccine can prevent you from contracting COVID-19. Even if you get the coronavirus after getting the vaccine, it can prevent you from developing severe symptoms.

        The COVID-19 vaccine enables your immune system to recognize and combat the coronavirus. It usually takes fourteen days after getting a vaccination for your body to get build immunity against the virus.

        This means that a person can get sick if they contract the virus before their vaccine could build immunity against it. Vaccines that have been rolled out so far include the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and various Chinese and Russian vaccines.

        Therefore, until you’re vaccinated with both doses of two-dose vaccines, you need to take precautionary measures to curb the spread of COVID-19.

        What We Don’t Know

        While COVID-19 vaccines are great at combating the virus, researchers are in the process of learning whether they prevent the virus’s spread or not. The answer to this would be clear as more and more people get vaccinated. Scientists are also learning how long a vaccine can protect people from contracting the coronavirus.

        Until then, those who are vaccinated must continue to follow precautionary measures.

        How Does the Vaccine Work?

        As opposed to regular vaccines that inject a small amount of the disease germ (virus or bacteria), COVID-19 vaccine introduces an inactivated part of SARS-CoV-2 to our immune system. While this doesn’t give us COVID-19, it can prepare our body to develop antibodies to ward off the virus if it tries to infect us in the future.

        Different coronavirus vaccines work in their own way to protect us, but all vaccines leave our body with memory cells (B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes) that create a memory of SARS-CoV-2 in our immune system and remind it how to fight the virus in the future.

        Are COVID-19 Vaccines Safe?

        Thousands of people across the US have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. The CDC has formulated a safety tool called V-Safe. It’s a smartphone app for people who have gotten vaccinated to check if they are experiencing any side effects.

        Some people do get side effects after getting vaccinated, such as tiredness, chills, or soreness in the arm.

        Get Tested for COVID-19 in Miami

        Whether you want an antibody test, antigen test, or PCR test, you can get it all at Good Hearts Testing. We offer drive-thru COVID test and corporate COVID test and provide same day results. Book an appointment at our testing center and get accurate covid testing.


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        Decoding the Antibody Test Results

        The Covid antibody test has become just as popular as the Covid test. But, how do these two tests differ? You must know the difference and the circumstances in which you should take each. Here we explore what the antibody test for Covid is and what its results mean:

          Antibody Vs. Covid Test

          A Covid test indicates whether you currently have a Covid infection whereas, an antibody test checks for the presence of antibodies. Antibodies are protective proteins that are produced by the body’s white blood cells to combat infections. If you do have the antibodies for a virus, it’s a tell-tale sign that you might have contracted the virus some time ago.

          You shouldn’t use the antibody test as a replacement for the covid test, as this test only checks for the presence of antibodies and not a current viral infection.

          What Does a Positive Result Mean?

          A positive result on the antibody test means that you’d contracted Covid or any other virus from the family of coronavirus in the past, which is why you have the antibodies. However, if you’ve had or currently have the SARS-CoV-2, then an antibody test result won’t identify its antibodies. A positive test result could also mean that you were asymptomatic to Covid, which means that you had the infection, but the symptoms didn’t show.

          What Does a Negative Result Mean?

          A negative result on the antibody test could mean that you haven’t contracted Covid or any other type of coronavirus yet. It could also mean that you currently have an infection, but since it takes the body around 2-3 weeks to produce the antibodies, the test would give negative results at the moment.

          Importance of Getting the Covid-19 Vaccine

          If you’ve tested positive for the antibody tests, you might think that you’re immune to the virus. This is a false belief as researchers have said that the antibodies produced are not guaranteed to give a long-term or sufficient immunity. In order to be adequately protected, you must get the Covid vaccine.

          You should consult your local health experts or facilities to learn more about which test you should take. They will be able to guide you based on your current health conditions. If you do have most of the symptoms of Covid, then take a Covid test as soon as possible.

          Research has stated that you’re more likely to contract Covid at an enclosed space, such as a hospital or a clinic. This is why we at Good Hearts Testing offer drive-thru covid testing options for increased safety. We also provide at-home covid testing along with antibody testing and PCR testing for people living in Miami and Los Angeles.

          With Good Hearts Testing, you can expect to get quick and accurate covid test results, as we’ve partnered with notable laboratories and use the testing methodology approved by WHO. You can get your results back within 24 to 72 hours. Book your appointment online and take your choice of tests at your convenience!


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          Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccines

          A vaccine can strengthen your immune system and protect against deadly diseases, like the coronavirus. The Covid-19 vaccine can help stop the spread of the virus and protect at-risk groups from worsening health conditions and death. It’s better to know what to expect after you’ve gotten the vaccine before registering for it; this way, you’ve be better prepared for what’s to come. Here we discuss how the vaccine works and some of the side effects which are common to have after you’ve received it:

            How does it work?

            To put it simply, a vaccine exposes your immune system to a small quantity of the virus, so your white blood cells are able to produce the right antibodies to fight it off. Antibodies are specifically made to combat a particular type of virus. Once your body is able to produce these antibodies, it ‘remembers’ them and can produce them more efficiently and quickly in case you are exposed to the virus.

            The Covid-19 vaccines do not contain the live coronavirus, so you can’t contract the virus through the vaccine. It takes the body a couple of weeks to develop proper immunity against the virus, so you need to be patient with the results.

            Common Symptoms

            After receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, you are likely to experience a mild fever, as your immune system is being trained and raises the body’s temperature. You would also experience muscle aches along with the fever, which is normal, as it indicates that the body is responding to the vaccine. You may even experience chills and diarrhea for a few days after getting the vaccine, but these conditions should clear away on their own. You would also experience some pain on the injection site for some time after receiving the vaccine, so apply less pressure to that area.

            Rare Symptoms

            In a few rare cases, patients have developed allergic reactions to the vaccine or have developed blood clots. These are infrequent instances and do not necessarily mean that you or your loved ones would have them too. It is important to keep in mind that everyone’s body responds differently to the vaccine. Even if you don’t experience any common side effects, it doesn’t mean that your body isn’t responding to the vaccine.

            Side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine also depend on the type of vaccine you’re getting. You need to take the vaccine in proper dosages for it to be effective in the long run. If two doses are required separately over time, then make sure you receive both of them.

            Currently, medical facilities require approval from an authorized physician in order to qualify for the Covid-19 vaccine. At Good Hearts Testing, we can help you with that! We provide at-home covid testing, antigen testing, and PCR testing. We also offer drive-thru covid testing options for increased safety and convenience.

            If you reside in Miami or Los Angeles, book an appointment with us online! With Good Hearts Testing, you can expect to get quick and accurate Covid testing, as we’ve partnered with notable laboratories and use the testing methodology approved by WHO.

            Copyright by VMG 2024. All rights reserved.

            Copyright by VMG 2024. All rights reserved.